Real-time data driving just-in-time teaching Practices
Our proven program comes with all the assets, tools, and support necessary for students and teachers to succeed year-after-year.
The K-3 Proficiency Project model is a supplement to existing curriculum. It positively enhances how curriculum is experienced by every child. What makes the model effective and unique are the four pillars on which the model is based and the synergy created among them.
K-3 Proficiency Project Components
- Adaptive technology
- Data-informed instruction
- Targeted coaching with
in-class support - Professional Learning Communities
Engaging students in fun and challenging ways
Students progress faster when learning is fun and
progress is monitored.
We’ve chosen reading and math exercises that are both playful and educational. Students enjoy the work and the challenges they face, while proceeding at their own pace.
Data + Support allows teachers to meet the needs of of ALL Learners
In-Class support with real-time data gives teachers a clear view of where students are at any given point, allowing teachers to intervene early and enabling students to move ahead successfully at their own pace.
Trained aides provide classroom support during scheduled adaptive online learning time allowing teacher to provide targeted small group intervention.
The K-3 Proficiency Project is a two-year committed partnership
— not the typical one-and-done professional development program.
In the first year, we work with teachers in their classrooms every week throughout the year. We get to know students, teachers, and administrators well, building trust that leads to improved learning. During the second year, we support the school staff as they sustain the practices introduced in the first year. In the end, schools are able to sustain improved student results in an efficient manner year-after-year.
It takes a community joining together
Our team devised and created the K-3 Proficiency Project to improve student outcomes and assist educators. But the program needs support as well with buy-in from the communities we serve.